Our Mission is MISSIONS.
Our MISSION is to fulfill the Great Commission by connecting the Church in the U.S. with the Church everywhere through short term mission teams. The focus with our teams is to make disciples who will then make disciples.
Our GOAL is to strengthen the Church everywhere, by providing resources for the Church abroad, and transforming the Church in the U.S. to include missions as part of their discpleship training and DNA.
Our VISION is to partner with local Christian leaders in other countries to help them accomplish their God-given vision for reaching their own people. Each journey then is not about us but our partners in each country.
Founded and directed by a missionary kid who helped his parents host mission teams, who also hosted teams as a resident missionary in Brazil for 7 years, and who now has facilitated 35-40 short-term mission teams a year for over 40 years
Works alongside overseas partners (national pastors, leaders) to help them realize their God-given vision for reaching their own people for Christ
Enables each team to receive updates from the country you served until your next journey
Empowers our teams and partners to be able to learn from each other about cross-cultural ministry
Proven 40-year record of fiscal integrity and accountability

Our Values
Missions is the overflow of WORSHIP. Our spiritual act of worship is to be a living sacrifice for God (Romans 12:1). We have all been sent to the nations. Our worship is to be characterized by becoming disciples who, as we are going, make disciples (Mattew 28:18-20).
Rather than imposing our own vision on them, we want to PARTNER alongside our Family abroad and serve them in fulfilling their own God-given vision. For this reason, we are partner-driven and what we do is different in each partnership.
Missions is more than just construction and projects. Our goal is to build and nurture RELATIONSHIPS with our brothers and sisters in Christ across all borders. Truth is, Christianity is all about relationships, ours with God and ours with others.
We want to MOBILIZE the Church for missions. More than just a week-long trip, missions is a lifelong journey and a part of what we do on a daily basis. We believe this journey is part of your discipleship and preparation in how to be a disciple-maker.

We believe in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, as originally given to man by God, inspired by Him, infallible, entirely trustworthy. We believe in the supreme authority of the scriptures in all matters of our faith and conduct.
We believe in one God, eternal and existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.​
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, sinless life, divine miracles, His death on the cross that atones for our sin and death, His bodily resurrection and ascension back to the Father, His mediation to the Father on our behalf, and His personal return in power and glory as promised.​​
We believe in the salvation of the lost and sinful through the blood of Christ shed at Calvary, by faith and apart from any works on our part, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.​​
We believe in the Holy Spirit of God that draws us to salvation and by whose indwelling each believer in Christ is enabled to live as a witness and servant for the Lord Jesus.​​
We believe in the unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.​
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the saved unto the resurrection of life, the lost unto eternal separation from God.
Meet the Team

Dusty & Corinne Cooper
Dusty Cooper is a missionary kid from the West Indies. His father, Jim Cooper, was a pioneer missionary in the Caribbean from 1960-1973, planting churches in the Turks and Caicos Islands and then in the Bahamas.
While still in college, traveling from Florida to the Bahamas on a missionary aviation flight, Dusty met Corinne, then in high school, on her way to the islands to sing in one of the churches in Nassau.
Corinne was one-half of The Erickson Sisters, travelling and singing across the U.S. for many years. Less than two years after meeting, they married and just celebrated 52 years of marriage.
After serving in Brazil as resident missionaries, they returned to the central Florida area, working for over 20 years in student ministry there before starting IsleGO Missions in 1992. The Coopers have four children, eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

Director, Little Blue House Project
Jim May
Jim is a late life Christian. He was raised in Memphis, Tennessee, but moved to North Mississippi 40 years ago. Married for 42 years to Betty May, they both serve with IsleGo Missions in a variety of roles.
In 1996, Jim was called on staff at Colonial Hills Church where he served as Small Groups Pastor and Missions Pastor. In 2001, Jim led a small team to Jamaica where he met the Coopers. The introduction to IsleGo Missions was a life-changing event for Jim, challenging the way he did missions, and started a long relationship with Dusty and Corinne. Now on the IsleGO Missions Board of Directors, Jim still serves as Board President.
While serving in Jamaica with IsleGO in 2008, God opened a ministry there of building homes for those who were homeless and helpless. The Little Blue House Project was born over a period of years from the humble start of repairing a single home for an elderly lady.
Jim retired from church staff on January 1, 2016, when he joined the IsleGO Staff as a Field Representative, facilitating teams to build Little Blue Houses and encouraging churches to be involved in the many ministries of IsleGo Missions.