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SANDY FOOTPRINTS - Newsletter, December 2022
b84b85d0-f061-4550-b37b-72256e10c461.jpg Brazil... 

We were blessed to serve with Pr. Ivan Laray and his wife, Carina, through the Palm Beach Atlantic team in March to Brazil! The cloak of leadership passed to him after the passing of Pr. João Wilson and we can see the hand of God in this transition.

He was part of a recent training and refreshing of missionaries in the Igreja Presbiteriana de Manaus (photo) and what a blessing it was to accompany from afar this time of preparing disciples to go and make disciples. Over 100 were in these days of preparation for what God is doing along the Amazon River. A vision was cast for the development of new churches where none exist and new areas where indigenous people are open to the gospel.


Only God alone could do this in such a time as we live in...KEEP PRAYING! If you have an interest in going to Brazil with us in October of this year or in 2023, please email TO HIM BE ALL HONOR AND GLORY!

 ...and in Costa Rica. 

Our partners for many years as well, Radical Life Ministries in Jaco, started classes in the Radical Church for the first 17 students at the Pacific Bible College! This is just the beginning of what we know will be a training center for disciples making disciples and is on the church campus. Classes run on a 2-year cycle so anyone can jump in at any time. 


The church also recently received permission from the government of Costa Rica to build another school, also on the church property. This one will eventually be a Christian school for K-high school and will also be centered on making disciples that make disciples. Plans are to start construction on this facility sometime the end of this year.

We can already see how God is using this college to raise up pastors and other church leaders for not only Costa Rica, but for all of Central America.




•funds for a cargo trailer in Abaco, Bahamas, for use on new hydroponic farm ($3,000)

•funds for repairs on our partner's truck for transporting materials in Amazonas, Brazil ($250)

•more mission teams for the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Brazil, Habana, Jamaica for the fall and 2023

•for laborers (that would be you) for fields whitened to harvest (that would be everywhere)

•for continued good health for our staff and volunteers (none of us are getting any younger)

•for protection of our partners everywhere, their health, family, ministry, safety

PRAY  -  GIVE  -  GO

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