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Building a New Generation

General Information:

Our partners in JACMEL need teams for house construction, evangelism, childrens ministry, food distribution, and mentoring programs at The House of Abraham, a group home for children being raised for a new Haiti. 

*Due to travel restrictions to Haiti during this time of violence IsleGO is unable to take teams there. PRAY...

Pray for the people of God in Haiti, your brothers and sisters in Jesus! The rebuilding of Haiti will take years so we need ongoing commitments from the people of God here in America to stand with us as we help restore this country and care for its most vulnerable, the children of Haiti. Keep praying!

Additional Notes:

Our partners at the House of Abraham in Jacmel now have 14 children in their care, raising them to be the future leaders of Haiti. You can help sponsor a child, providing food, healthcare, housing, discipleship, and education. 

PROJECTS FOCUS: ​Evangelism, children's ministry, community outreach, food distribution, vocational training, leadership development, and education.


$775 per week per person; due to the fluid situation in Haiti and the changing supply of materials, please confirm this cost with IsleGO before setting your dates.


All teams stay onsite at the House of Abraham in team housing.

Meals & Transportation:

Truck driven by local drivers and our staff.

Haiti Gallery:

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